December 5,2010
Wow I have been wanting to do this forever it seems. I have so much I want to get off my chest and nowhere to vent it seems. However I do not want this to just be a forum to let steam off. My desire is that this will become a popular site where I can share information on topics that interest and concern me. I read a lot regarding humane issues and the environment and often am frustrated over the lack of knowledge in the general population. At least among my friends and customers. I hope to change that a little bit with this blog.
One of the main things that I am involved with right now is the Anti Slaughter movement. This year in Canada 125 Thousand Yes that is correct THOUSAND! horses will be/have been slaughtered this year. The slaughter industry is mainly fed by the race horse industry and the Quarter horse industry.Horses from every walk of life go to slaughter. Many people unknowingly send their horse to slaughter by putting it up for auction. Many of the buyers sitting in the audience at an auction are what are known as Kill Buyers. They attend the horse auctions and purchase any horse that they can if the price is right. They calculate the weight of the horse and what the price per pound is at the slaughter house and if there is a profit margin they will buy the horse. Right now at auction it is possible to buy a horse or young foal for as little as $25.00. These horses face a horrible death and often a horrible fate at the hands of the kill buyers while they wait to accumulate enough horses to make the trip to the slaughter house worth it if they do their own transporting or until they have enough to fill a truck going to the slaughter house. Often the horses will be forced into trailers that are over packed and have no room for the horses to move freely. They often endure long trips non stop with no water or food and in extremely cold weather. If you think that slaughter is done humanely think again.
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